
Columbia Festival Orchestra

20th Anniversary Concert
A Classical Road Trip
Performance Spaces for the 21st Century (PS21)
Chatham, NY
Gwen Gould, founder and conductor
Chanel Wood, soprano, CFO Young Artists 2008
David Anderson, host
David Grunberg, composer

Prokofiev – Symphony No. 1 “Classical”
Barber – Knoxville: Summer of 1915
Grunberg – Overture to a New Theatre (world premiere)*
Beethoven – Symphony No.7

for detailed program click HERE

*performed with student interns from Take a Seat…in the Orchestra! – a new education initiative in connection with this concert. Student interns will be in residence for three days with their CFO mentors, culminating in a joint performance of Overture to a New Theatre by Chatham graduate, David Grunberg. For more info about Take a Seat… CLICK HERE