Bass-baritone Charles Perry Sprawls is a native of Atlanta, Georgia, and is currently based in New York City where he enjoys a very busy solo career. He is also much in demand for a wide range of operatic, choral and small ensemble projects. Recent performances have included Haydn’s Lord Nelson Mass with Musica Sacra at Alice Tully Hall, Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony with the Symphony of Northwest Arkansas, the world premiere of ARCO with Sympho at the Park Avenue Armory, Bloch’s Sacred Service with the Dessoff Choir and the premiere performances and recording of Harold Farberman’s Diamond Street at the historic Hudson Opera House. Other major performances have included the Beethoven Missa Solemnis, Raphael in Haydn’s Die Schöpfung, the Szymanowski Stabat Mater, and Rossini’s Petite Messe Solennelle— all on the Sacred Music in a Sacred Space series at St. Ignatius Loyola; the Mozart Requiem on the Great Performances series at St. Bartholomew’s Church; and roles in Chausson’s Le Roi Arthus andDallapiccola’s Volo di notte with Leon Botstein and the American Symphony Orchestra. He made his Carnegie Hall debut in the Beethoven Mass in C with the Oratorio Society of New York under Kent Tritle. He has performed regionally as a soloist with the Berkshire Bach Society and the Bard Music Festival. He is a previous district winner of the Metropolitan Opera’s National Council Auditions. While in Atlanta, Mr. Sprawls performed as soloist in a number of performances with the late Robert Shaw, including the annual ‘Christmas with Robert Shaw’ concerts and as part of the Robert Shaw Festival Singers– including performances of Britten’s Rejoice in the Lamb and the Faure Requiem. He can be heard on the recording A Robert Shaw Christmas – Angels on High on the Telarc label. As an ensemble performer, he has made appearances with the associate choruses of both the Metropolitan Opera and the New York City Opera. He has also appeared as a member of the ensemble of Sweeney Todd in Concert with the New York Philharmonic and Goldenthal’s Grendel with the Lincoln Center Festival, and was recently honored to join in performance with New York Polyphony.